Embodied Nature – 
Laura Sarah Dowdall

embodied nature

let’s return to a more organic state, in tune with the earth of our bones

as organic matter, can we drop thought, concept, embellishment, extra and excess

nature-led, the senses our guide

instinct our language, our impact is minimal 

an experiment in embodied nature

performed by nature through the instrument of the body 

created by Laura Sarah Dowdall
embodied by Laura Sarah Dowdall and the Kirkos Ensemble

( Watch video here )

Laura Sarah Dowdall is an innovative dance artist creating engaging performance that is experiential, immersive and permeable to audience interaction.

She incorporates instant composition, immersive theatre and durational performance into work that is site-specific, staged and on film. She is inspired by the vitality of presence and connection these influences create within audience and performer.

Laura’s research and choreography centre on developing new avenues for audience engagement, breaking boundaries of hierarchy and expectation, and offering experiences of heightened awareness.