Text Pieces – 
Susan Geaney

“I often write text pieces that can be performed with any number of players, in any location (both indoors and outdoors), sometimes the pieces are just concepts to be imagined or may seek a direct or indirect response from performers.
I found myself more in the outdoors and reflecting inwardly during the Covid season which lead to exploring new pathways, seeing more clearly and listening more intently which all playfully came to the surface in the pieces I wrote and revised for Biosphere.”

“What a wonderful concept to create and conjure up experiences in the outdoors for biosphere. Nature provides limitless space, soundscape, beauty and scope for our imaginations to run free, and I hope this will be the start of many more outdoor gigs to come. Any artistic endeavour that advocates for zero waste in the fight against climate change is a venture I want in on.”
( Watch video here )

Susan Geaney is a Kerry composer/improviser currently residing in Dublin. She graduated with 1st class honours B.Mus degree and completed her Masters in Composition in UCC under the supervision of John Godfrey and Jesse Ronneau in 2010. In 2008, Susan studied under American composer Pauline Oliveros where she practiced deep listening and sonic mediation. Her sound practice is rooted in the exploration and expansion of 5 key components: listening; space; silence; awareness and intuition across various creative disciplines; music, movement, meditation, installation, poetry, film and art. She has collaborated with Small Room Dance; The Quiet Music Ensemble; Tonnta; Kirkos Ensemble; Aonghus McAvoy, David Lacey; Michelle O Rourke; Jessie Keenan Dance; Marion Cronin, Gamelan Nua; Rarescale; Kate Ellis; Rachel Ní Chuinn; Jane Rigler; John Godfrey and Jennifer Walshe.